The Do's and Don't's of Cataract Surgery

The Do’s and Don’t’s of Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery uses an intraocular lens as an artificial lens in place of your eye’s natural lens. The cloudy lens capsule in the patient often causes blurry vision and requires phacoemulsification cataract surgery. In this procedure, the eye surgeon uses a clear artificial lens capsule instead of a natural lens. Also, the artificial lens could serve as a replacement lens in the case of retinal detachment.

However, the cataract surgeon evaluates the cataract forms to restore normal vision and remove the clouded lens. Then removes, the new artificial lens corrects the cloudy vision problems. For the first few weeks following cataracts surgery, here are some general do’s and don’ts to keep in mind before and after cataract surgery:


  1. Follow your doctor’s instructions before and after the surgery. This may include taking certain medications or avoiding certain foods or activities.
  2. Attend all scheduled appointments with your doctor to monitor your progress and ensure that you are healing correctly.
  3. Use any prescribed eye drops or medications to prevent infection and promote healing.
  4. Wear protective eyewear, such as sunglasses or a protective shield, to prevent injury to the eye during the healing process.
  5. Get enough rest and avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for a few weeks following the surgery.
  6. Ask your doctor any questions or express any concerns you may have throughout the process.


  1. Do not rub or touch your eye during healing, as this can cause irritation or infection.
  2. Do not get water in your eye while bathing or swimming until your doctor has cleared you.
  3. Do not drive until your doctor has confirmed that your vision is safe for driving.
  4. Do not lift heavy objects or engage in strenuous activity until your doctor has cleared you.
  5. Do not use any eye makeup or apply any lotions or creams to your face until your doctor has cleared you.
  6. Do not ignore any signs of infection or other complications, such as pain, redness, or discharge from the eye.

These are general guidelines; your doctor may have specific recommendations or instructions based on your situation. It’s important to follow your doctor’s advice closely to ensure a safe and successful recovery.

Can you go home the same day you have your cataract surgery?

The majority of patients undergoing cataract surgery can go home the same day. Most cataract operations can be done on an outpatient basis without the need for the patient to spend the night in the hospital. The surgery only takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and patients are usually only kept under observation in the recovery room for a short while afterward to ensure there are no immediate complications.

It is important to remember that every patient’s situation is different and that some may necessitate an overnight hospital stay or a more extended monitoring period. Furthermore, patients with certain preexisting medical conditions or taking certain medications may need additional monitoring or precautions after surgery.

After cataract surgery, you will receive detailed guidelines and instructions from your doctor, such as activity restrictions and suggested follow-up visits. You must follow these directions precisely for the best chance at a speedy and healthy recovery. Talk to your doctor about any worries or questions about your recovery process.

Using your Eye drops

Upon discharge, you will get an antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory eye drops to speed up the healing process and prevent infection. However, always follow your doctor’s instructions when using eye drops. Provided there are no specific instructions to the contrary, you should:

  1. It would help if you began using your eye drops the morning after surgery
  2. Apply the eye drops only in the operated eye
  3. Remember always to wash your hands before and after using the eye drops.
  4. It would help if you did not stop using your eye drops without consulting your doctor for approval

At your post-operative follow-up appointment, which will take place between 1 and 4 weeks after your surgery, you will receive more detailed instructions on how to use eye drops properly. Your eye doctor may recommend that you apply for new glasses or stop using eye drops at this visit.

How to Apply your Eye drops

Eye drops require careful adherence to your doctor’s instructions. The dosing and frequency may change based on your specific needs and the medication prescribed. Talk to your eye doctor or pharmacist if you have any issues or questions about using them. The procedure for administering drops is as follows:

  1. Good handwashing with soap and water is essential to stop the spread of germs.
  2. The eye drop bottle should be uncapped and held in hand with the nozzle facing down.
  3. Make a small pouch by pulling down your lower eyelid with one hand while tilting your head backward.
  4. To apply, bring the bottle close to your eye and drop it into the crease of your lower lid. Keeping the bottle’s nozzle away from your eyes and eyelids is essential.
  5. Try this: close your eye and hold a fingertip there for a few seconds. This can help keep the medication in your eye rather than wash it away into your tear duct.
  6. Repeat the process if the other eye needs to be treated the same way.
  7. If your doctor has instructed you to keep your eye drops in a cool, dry place, replace the cap after each use.

How to clean your eyes after cataract surgery

Stop rubbing your eyes, as this can cause irritation and slow the healing process after cataract surgery. Before your doctor gives you the all-clear, you should also wait to rub your eyes, put on eye makeup, or do anything else that could cause damage to your eyes. Before, during, and after cataract surgery, you should ask your doctor questions or voice any concerns about your eyes.

Your doctor will give you detailed instructions on taking care of your eyes and speeding up their recovery after cataract surgery. Following cataract removal, here are some guidelines for eye hygiene:

  1. Be sure to use plenty of soap and water to clean your hands.
  2. Pour some hot water into a clean bowl or basin.
  3. Wring out the excess liquid from a clean, lint-free cloth or sterile gauze pad and dip it into the warm water.
  4. Close your eyes and use a soft, circular motion to wipe the cloth or gauze pad over your closed eyelids. If you rub or press too hard, you may irritate your eyes.
  5. A fresh gauze pad or a clean cloth corner can remove crusting or discharge from around the eyes.
  6. Swap out the cloth or gauze pad and repeat the process on the other eye.
  7. It’s essential to use eye drops, ointments, and other medications exactly as your doctor prescribes.

Related: Types of Cataract Surgery: Which one is Best for You?

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